Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Apologies for linking riot cases to #TwitterJokeTrial and #IAmSpartacus

I must apologise to the Paul Chambers defence for the use of some hashtags in my attempt to raise the profile of some post riot Facebook cases. It had not occurred to me that linking these events could damage Paul's case; however, it has been pointed out that this is a possibility. Winning the Paul Chambers appeal is the most important thing right now. It may help to quash these other convictions, even those under the Serious Crime Act. I have two motivations for raising the profile of these other cases: 1) people are going to prison, and that's hard; 2) to my mind, each new conviction that goes unchallenged increases public acceptance. Nevertheless, I shall now respectfully refrain from using the #TwitterJokeTrial and #IAmSpartacus hashtags to advertise these cases. Please follow suit.

1 comment:

  1. Good point.

    I linked the cases because of the common factor, namely 127a, but I wouldn't want to do anything to jeopardise Paul's chances of getting justice.

    My apologies.

